Engineering :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.Find the kinematic viscosity of oil having density 1962 g/m3. the force experienced for area of 20 m2 is 4.904 kN and velocity of gradient at that point is 0.2/s.
A. 0.625
B. 1.25
C. 2.5
D. 0.625

2.The velocity distribution for fluid flow over a flat plate is given by u=2y-6y2 in which u is the velocity in metre per second at a distance of y metre above the plate. Determine the shear stress at y=0.15m.Take dynamic viscosity of fluid as 8.6 poise.
A. 0.172 N/m2
B. 0.344 N/m2
C. 0.086 N/m2
D. 0.172 N/m2

3.In which types of fluids it is observed that momentum transfer dominates cohesive forces with increase in temperature and hence viscosity increases
A. Gases
B. Liquids
C. Solids
D. Gases

4.What is the characteristic variation shown by the thixotropic fluids in their shear stress vs. rate of shear strain graph?
A. shear stress increases with increase in rate of shear strain
B. shear stress decreases with increase in rate of shear strain
C. shear stress shows variation only after a definite shear stress is reached
D. shear stress increases with increase in rate of shear strain

5.What happens to viscosity in the case of incompressible fluids as temperature is increased?
A. It remains constant
B. It increases
C. It decreases
D. It remains constant

6.If a fluid, which has a constant specific gravity, is taken to a planet where acceleration due to gravity is 3 times compared to its value on earth, what will happen to its kinematic viscosity.
A. It increases
B. It decreases
C. It remains constant
D. It increases

7.In liquids in order to measure the viscosity of fluid experimentally we consider the variation of shear stress with respect to what property?
A. strain
B. shear strain
C. rate of shear strain
D. strain

8.Which of the following is the condition for the boiling of a liquid?
A. Absolute pressure of a liquid must be greater than or equal to it�s vapor pressure
B. Absolute pressure of a liquid must be less than or equal to it�s vapor pressure
C. Absolute pressure of a liquid must be equal to it�s vapor pressure
D. Absolute pressure of a liquid must be greater than or equal to it�s vapor pressure

9.Which of the following machines have the possibility of cavitation?
A. Reaction turbines and centrifugal pumps
B. Reaction turbines and reciprocating pumps
C. Impulse turbines and centrifugal pumps
D. Reaction turbines and centrifugal pumps

10.The three liquids 1, 2, and 3 with vapor pressures V1, V2 and V3 respectively, are kept under same pressure. If V1 > V2 > V3, which liquid will start boiling early?
A. liquid 1
B. liquid 2
C. liquid 3
D. liquid 1

11.Equal amount of a particular liquid is poured into three similar containers, namely 1, 2 and 3, at a temperature of T1, T2 and T3 respectively. If T1 < T2 < T3, the liquid in which container will have the highest vapor pressure?
A. container 1
B. container 2
C. container 3
D. container 1

12.The absolute pressure of a water is 0.5kN above it�s vapor pressure. If it flows with a velocity of 1m/s, what will be the value of Cavitation Number describing the flow induced boiling?
A. 0.25
B. 0.5
C. 1
D. 0.25

13.The reference fuels for knock rating of spark ignition engines would include
A. iso-octane and alpha-methyl naphthalene
B. normal octane and aniline
C. iso-octane and normal hexane
D. iso-octane and alpha-methyl naphthalene

14.In a four stroke cycle, the minimum temperature inside the engine cylinder occurs at the
A. beginning of suction stroke
B. end of suction stroke
C. beginning of exhaust stroke
D. beginning of suction stroke

15.The thermal efficiency of a standard Otto cycle for a compression ratio of 5.5 will be
A. 25%
B. 50%
C. 70%
D. 25%

16.The ratio of the volume of charge admitted at N.T.P. to the swept volume of the piston is called
A. mechanical efficiency
B. overall efficiency
C. volumetric efficiency
D. mechanical efficiency

17.The exhaust valve in a four stroke cycle petrol engine
A. opens at 50� before bottom dead centre and closes at 15� after top dead centre
B. opens at bottom dead centre and closes at top dead centre
C. opens at 50� after bottom dead centre and closes at 15� before top dead centre
D. opens at 50� before bottom dead centre and closes at 15� after top dead centre

18.Nuclear reactors are used
A. to produce heat for thermoelectric power
B. to produce fissionable material
C. to propel ships, submarines, aircrafts
D. to produce heat for thermoelectric power

19.A moderator generally used in nuclear power plants is
A. graphite
B. heavy water
C. concrete
D. graphite

20.The predominent isotope of the naturally occuring element is
A. U235
B. U238
C. Pu233
D. U235

21.In a four stroke cycle petrol engine, the charge is ignited at
A. 30� before top dead centre
B. 30� after top dead centre
C. 30� before bottom dead centre
D. 30� before top dead centre

22.A moderator, in nuclear power plants, is a medium introduced into the fuel mass in order to
A. slow down the speed of fast moving neutrons
B. control the reaction
C. reduce the temperature
D. slow down the speed of fast moving neutrons

23.Where reactor operation is designed with fast neutrons such as in reactors using highly enriched fuel, the moderator used is
A. heavy water
B. graphite
C. carbon dioxide
D. heavy water

24.In a diesel engine, the duration between the time of injection and ignition, is known as
A. pre-ignition period
B. delay period
C. period of ignition
D. pre-ignition period

25.Each fission of U235 produces on the average __________ fast neutrons as a product of reaction.
A. 2.46
B. 24.6
C. 246
D. 2.46

26.Reactors for propulsion applications are designed for
A. any form of uranium
B. natura uranium
C. enriched uranium
D. any form of uranium

27.The primary fuel used in nuclear power plants is
A. U235
B. U238
C. Pu239
D. U235

28.In petrol engine, using a fixed octane rating fuel and fixed compression ratio, supercharging will ____ the knocking tendency.
A. not effect
B. decrease
C. increase
D. not effect

29.The compensating jet in a carburettor supplies almost constant amount of petrol at all speeds because the
A. jet area is automatically varied depending on the suction
B. the flow from the main jet is diverted to the compensating jet with increase in speed
C. the diameter of the jet is constant and the discharge coefficient is invariant
D. jet area is automatically varied depending on the suction

30.The effective inhibitor of pre-ignition is
A. alcohol
B. water
C. lead
D. alcohol

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