Engineering :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.If the value of n = 0 in the equation pvn = C, then the process is called
A. constant volume process
B. adiabatic process
C. constant pressure process
D. constant volume process

2.The value of specific heat at constant pressure (cp) is ___ that of at constant volume (cv).
A. less than
B. equal to
C. more than
D. less than

3.Which of the following is correct?
A. Absolute pressure = Gauge pressure + Atmospheric pressure
B. Gauge pressure = Absolute pressure + Atmospheric pressure
C. Atmospheric pressure = Absolute pressure + Gauge pressure
D. Absolute pressure = Gauge pressure + Atmospheric pressure

4.Which of the following statement is incorrect?
A. The liquid fuels consist of hydrocarbons.
B. The liquid fuels have higher calorific value than solid fuels.
C. The solid fuels have higher calorific value than liquid fuels.
D. The liquid fuels consist of hydrocarbons.

5.Which of the following gas is mostly used in town for street and domestic lighting and heating?
A. Producer gas
B. Coal gas
C. Mond gas
D. Producer gas

6.The value of gas constant (R) in S. I. units is
A. 0.287 J/kgK
B. 2.87 J/kgK
C. 28.7 J/kgK
D. 0.287 J/kgK

7.The efficiency of Diesel cycle increases with
A. decrease in cut-off
B. increase in cut-off
C. constant cut-off
D. decrease in cut-off

8.One kg of carbon monoxide requires ____ kg of oxygen to produce 11/7 kg of carbon dioxide gas.
A. All
B. 7-Apr
C. 4-Nov
D. All

9.The absolute zero temperature is taken as
A. -273�C
B. 273�C
C. 237�F
D. -273�C

10.The specific heat of water is
A. 1.817
B. 2512
C. 4.187
D. 1.817

11.Stirling and Ericsson cycles are
A. reversible cycles
B. irreversible cycles
C. semi-reversible cycles
D. reversible cycles

12.When cut-off ratio is __________ the efficiency of Diesel cycle approaches to Otto cycle efficiency.
A. zero
B. 5-Jan
C. 5-Apr
D. zero

13.A series of operations, which takes place in a certain order and restore the initial conditions at the end, is known as
A. reversible cycle
B. irreversible cycle
C. thermodynamic cycle
D. reversible cycle

14.The sum of internal energy (U) and the product of pressure and volume (p.v) is known as
A. workdone
B. entropy
C. enthalpy
D. workdone

15.The value of 1 mm of Hg is equal to
A. 1.333 N/m2
B. 13.33 N/m2
C. 133.3 N/m2
D. 1.333 N/m2

16.One kg of carbon requires 4/3 kg of oxygen and produces __________ kg of carbon monoxide gas.
A. 3-Aug
B. 3-Nov
C. 7-Nov
D. 3-Aug

17.A process, in which the temperature of the working substance remains constant during its expansion or compression, is called
A. isothermal process
B. hyperbolic process
C. adiabatic process
D. isothermal process

18.Which of the following gas has a minimum molecular mass?
A. Oxygen
B. Nitrogen
C. Hydrogen
D. Oxygen

19.The total energy of a molecule is shared equally by the various degrees of freedom possessed by it. This law is known as
A. law of equipartition of energy
B. law of conservation of energy
C. law of degradation of energy
D. law of equipartition of energy

20.The fuel mostly used in steam boilers is
A. brown coal
B. peat
C. coking bituminous coal
D. brown coal

21.The efficiency of Joule cycle is
A. greater than Carnot cycle
B. less than Carnot cycle
C. equal to Carnot cycle
D. greater than Carnot cycle

22.The hyperbolic pocess is governed by
A. Boyle�s law
B. Charles� law
C. Gay-Lussac law
D. Boyle�s law

23.The entropy of water at 0�C is assumed to be
A. 1
B. 0
C. -1
D. 1

24.During which of the following process does heat rejection takes place in Carnot cycle?
A. Isothermal expansion
B. Isentropic expansion
C. Isothermal compression
D. Isothermal expansion

25.Which is the incorrect statement about Carnot cycle?
A. It is used as the alternate standard of comparison of all heat engines.
B. All the heat engines are based on Carnot cycle.
C. It provides concept of maximising work output between the two temperature limits.
D. It is used as the alternate standard of comparison of all heat engines.

26.The area under the temperature-entropy curve (T - s curve) of any thermodynamic process represents
A. heat absorbed
B. heat rejected
C. either (a) or (b)
D. heat absorbed

27.One kg of carbon produces ____ kg of carbon dioxide.
A. 7-Mar
B. 3-Jul
C. 3-Nov
D. 7-Mar

28.The heat supplied to the gaS at constant volume is (where m = Mass of gas, cv = Specific heat at constant volume, cp = Specific heat at constant pressure, T2 - T1 = Rise in temperature, and R = Gas constant)
A. mR(T2 - T1)
B. mcv(T2 - T1)
C. mcp(T2 - T1)
D. mR(T2 - T1)

29.The general gas energy equation is (where Q1 - 2 = Heat supplied, dU = Change in internal energy, and W1 - 2 = Work done in heat units)
A. Q1 - 2 = dU + W1 - 2
B. Q1 - 2 = dU - W1 - 2
C. Q1 - 2 = dU/W1 - 2
D. Q1 - 2 = dU + W1 - 2

30.The compression ratio for Diesel engines is
A. 3 to 6
B. 5 to 8
C. 15 to 20
D. 3 to 6

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