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1.Quartzite, a metamorphic stone is
A. hard
B. brittle
C. crystalline
D. hard

2.Pick up the correct statement from the following:
A. Plastics have generally low melting point
B. The coefficient of thermal expansion of plastics is about three times than that of steel
C. The acoustical boards prepared by impregnating fibre-glass with phenolic resins has absorption coefficient of about 0.67
D. Plastics have generally low melting point

3.Dextrin is
A. animal glue
B. starch glue
C. albumin glue
D. animal glue

4.Formula for quick lime, is
A. CaCO3
B. CaO
D. CaCO3

5.For the manufacture of stainless steel, steel is mixed with
A. chromium
B. nickel
C. tungsten
D. chromium

6.Stones used for ornamental work must be
A. soft
B. hard
C. light
D. soft

7.Pick up the correct statement from the following:
A. Quick lime is obtained by burning pure lime stone:
B. Hydraulic lime is obtained by burning lime stone containing clay 5% to 30%
C. Poor lime is obtained by burning lime stone containing impurities more than 5%
D. Quick lime is obtained by burning pure lime stone:

8.The presence of original rounded surface on the manufactured piece of timber, is called
A. Wane
B. Torn grain
C. Diagonal grain
D. Wane

9.The cracks caused by shrinkage of the exterior surface of the wood exposed to atmosphere, are called:
A. radial shakes
B. heart shakes
C. wind cracks
D. radial shakes

10.The process of decarbonising the pig iron completely and then adding proper percentage of carbon for manufacturing steel, is called
A. Cementation process
B. crucible process
C. Bessemer process
D. Cementation process

11.In paints, the pigment is responsible for
A. durability
B. colour
C. smoothness
D. durability

12.The operation of removal of impurities or clay adhering to iron ores, is known as
A. dressing
B. calcination
C. roasting
D. dressing

13.If water required for 1 bag of cement is 30 litres, the water cement ratio is :
A. 0.4
B. 0.5
C. 0.6
D. 0.4

14.Portland cement manufactured from pure white chalk and clay but free from iron-oxide, is known as
A. quick setting cement
B. rapid hardening cement
C. white cement
D. quick setting cement

15.Dry rot
A. cracks the timber
B. reduces the strength of timber
C. reduces the timber to powder
D. cracks the timber

16.Which one of the following polymers is obtained from condensation polymerization?
A. phenol formaldehyde
B. carbamide
C. melamine-formaldehyde
D. phenol formaldehyde

17.The weight of 1 m3 of brick earth, is about
A. 1200 kg
B. 1500 kg
C. 1800 kg
D. 1200 kg

18.Pozzolana (or surkhi) is used in lime
A. to impart hydraulicity
B. to prevent shrinkage
C. to decrease the cost of construction
D. to impart hydraulicity

19.Mastic asphalt is normally used for
A. sound insulation
B. water proofing
C. fire proofing
D. sound insulation

20.Lime stone is not a
A. sedimentary rock
B. stratified rock
C. aqueous rock
D. sedimentary rock

21.The size of modular bricks, is
A. 10 x 10 x 9 cm
B. 19 x 9 x 9 cm
C. 22.5 x 10 x 8.5 cm
D. 10 x 10 x 9 cm

22.A piece of timber whose thickness and width are respectively 5 cm and 10 cm is called
A. slate
B. plank
C. board
D. slate

23.Pig iron is manufactured from the ores by
A. dressing
B. calcination and roasting
C. smelting
D. dressing

24.Quick lime
A. generates heat when added to water
B. reacts with carbon dioxide
C. may be used for white-washing
D. generates heat when added to water

25.Age of a tree may be ascertained by
A. radius of its stem
B. circumference of its stem
C. number of branches
D. radius of its stem

26.The portion of a brick cut to form angles other than right angles in plan, is known as
A. queen closer
B. king closer
C. closer
D. queen closer

27.Pick up the correct statement from the following:
A. Slaked lime contains calcium hydroxide
B. Quick lime contains calcium oxide
C. Slaked lime may be obtained from quick lime
D. Slaked lime contains calcium hydroxide

28.Plywood is obtained by gluing wooden sheets at
A. 100 to 150 N/cm2
B. 100 to 130�C
C. both (a) and (b)
D. 100 to 150 N/cm2

29.The low voltage porcelain is mainly used for
A. switch block
B. insulating tubes
C. lamp sockets
D. switch block

30.Putty is
A. made with finely powdered chalk and linseed oil
B. used for fixing glass panes
C. softened by a solution of pearl ash and quick-lime soaked in water
D. made with finely powdered chalk and linseed oil

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