Engineering :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.Which of the following is not a derived data type in c?
A. Function
B. Pointer
C. Enumeration
D. Function

2.Integral data type is ____?
A. Void
B. Char
C. Float
D. Void

3.The Format Identifier %u is used for?
A. Integer
B. Float
C. Decimal
D. Integer

4.Size of an int data type is ____ ?
A. 4 Bytes
B. 8 Bytes
C. Depends on Compiler/System
D. 4 Bytes

5. Sort int in C language is?
A. Basic Datatype of C
B. Qualifier
C. All of the mentioned
D. Basic Datatype of C

6.Data type qualifiers can be classified into?
A. 4
B. 5
C. 2
D. 4

7.The C language defines ____ fundamental data types
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 3

8.What is Enum datatype syntax?
A. Enum[data type]{const1, const2, const3....}
B. Enum{const1, const2,....}
C. Enum[int datatype]
D. Enum[data type]{const1, const2, const3....}

9.Character literals in C syntax are?
A. A
B. ‘A’
C. “4”
D. A

10.Range of unsigned int is?
A. 0 to 65,535 or 0 to 4,294,967,295
B. 0 to 65,535
C. 0 to 4,294,967,296
D. 0 to 65,535 or 0 to 4,294,967,295

11.Which is not a storage class?
A. Auto
B. Struct
C. Typedef
D. Auto

12.What will be the output of the following program?
A. 1 D 0
B. 1 0 0
C. 0 D 1
D. 1 D 0

13.When did IBM released the first version of its disk operating system DOS version 1.0 ?
A. 1981
B. 1982
C. 1983
D. 1981

14.Which is not a function of Kernel ?
A. Process management
B. Memory management
C. File system management
D. Process management

15.In real time OS, which is most suitable scheduling scheme
A. round robin
C. pre-emptive scheduling
D. round robin

16.For multiprogramming operating system
A. special support from processor is not essential
B. special support from processor is not essential
C. cache memory is essential
D. special support from processor is not essential

17. Which is single user operating system

18.Which operating system reacts in the actual time
A. Batch system
B. Quick response system
C. Real time system
D. Batch system

19.Macintosh computer uses
A. System 7.0
C. Xenix
D. System 7.0

20.Which technique is used by operating systems to execute several programs concurrently by switching back and forth
A. Partitioning
B. Multitasking
C. Windowing
D. Partitioning

21.Multiprogramming systems
A. Are easier to develop than single programming systems
B. Execute each job faster
C. Execute more jobs in the same time
D. Are easier to develop than single programming systems

22. Operating system is
A. A collection of hardware components
B. A collection of input output devices
C. A collection of software routines
D. A collection of hardware components

23.Which operating system use write through catches

24.Which process is known for initializing a microcomputer with its OS
A. cold booting
B. boot recording
C. booting
D. cold booting

25.Remote computing services involves the use of timesharing and
A. multiprocessing
B. interactive processing
C. batch processing
D. multiprocessing

26.Dijkstra's algorithm deals with
A. mutual exclusion
B. deadlock recovery
C. deadlock avoidance
D. mutual exclusion

27.Daisy chain is a device for
A. connecting a number of controllers to a device
B. connecting a number of controllers to a device
C. all of above
D. connecting a number of controllers to a device

28.A series of statements explaining how the data is to be processed is called
A. instruction
B. compiler
C. program
D. instruction

29.A hardware device which is capable of executing a sequence of instructions, is known as

30.With multiprogramming, ______ is used productively.
A. time
B. space
C. money
D. time

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