Engineering :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.C99 standard guarantees uniqueness of characters for internal names ?
A. 31
B. 63
C. 12
D. 31

2.C99 standard guarantees uniqueness of characters for external names ?
A. 31
B. 6
C. 14
D. 31

3.Which of the following is not a valid variable name declaration ?
A. int __a3;
B. int __3a;
C. int __A3;
D. int __a3;

4.Which of the following is not a valid variable name declaration ?
A. int _a3;
B. int a_3;
C. int 3_a;
D. int _a3;

5.Why do variable names beginning with the underscore is not encouraged ?
A. It is not standardized
B. To avoid conflicts since assemblers and loaders use such names
C. To avoid conflicts since library routines use such names
D. It is not standardized

6.All keywords in C are in ?
A. LowerCase letters
B. UpperCase letters
C. CamelCase letters
D. LowerCase letters

7.Variable name resolution (number of significant characters for the uniqueness of variable) depends on ?
A. Compiler and linker implementations
B. Assemblers and loaders implementations
C. C language
D. Compiler and linker implementations

8.Which of the following is not a valid C variable name ?
A. int number;
B. float rate;
C. int variable_count;
D. int number;

9.Which of the following is true for variable names in C ?
A. They can contain alphanumeric characters as well as special characters
B. Variable names cannot start with a digit
C. Variable can be of any length
D. They can contain alphanumeric characters as well as special characters

10.What does PHP stand for ?
A. Personal Home Page
B. Hypertext Preprocessor
C. Pretext Hypertext Processor
D. Personal Home Page

11.Who is the founder of PHP?
A. Rasmus Lerdorf
B. Willam Makepiece
C. Drek Kolkevi
D. Rasmus Lerdorf

12.PHP files have a default file extension of ?
A. .html
B. .php
C. .xml
D. .html

13.A PHP script should start & end with ?
A. < ?php ? >
B. < ? ? >
C. < ? php ?>
D. < ?php ? >

14.Which of the looping statements is/are supported by PHP ?
A. for loop
B. while loop
C. do-while loop
D. for loop

15.Which is valid C expression ?
A. int $my_num = 10000;
B. int my num = 1000;
C. int my_num = 100000;
D. int $my_num = 10000;

16.Which of the following cannot be a variable name in C ?
A. true
B. volatile
C. friend
D. true

17.The basic attributes of a straight line segment are ?
A. Type
B. Color
C. Width
D. Type

18.A dashed line could be displayed by generating ?
A. Inter dash spacing
B. Very short dashes
C. Both A and B
D. Inter dash spacing

19.A dotted line can be displayed by generating ?
A. Very short dashes with spacing equal to and greater than dash size
B. Very long dashes with spacing equal to or greater than dash size
C. Very short dashes with spacing equal to and greater than dash size
D. Very short dashes with spacing equal to and greater than dash size

20.Which of the following is not a line-type ?
A. Dashed line
B. Dark line
C. Dotted line
D. Dashed line

21.In an application program, to set line-type attributes the following statement is used ?
C. setLinetype(lt)

22.The algorithm which displays line-type attributes by plotting pixel spans is ?
A. Random scan algorithm
B. Random line algorithm
C. Raster scan algorithm
D. Random scan algorithm

23.Pixel mask means ?
A. A string containing 0 and 0
B. A string containing 1 and 0
C. A string containing only 0’s
D. A string containing 0 and 0

24.A heavy line on a video monitor could be displayed as ?
A. Adjacent parallel lines
B. Adjacent perpendicular lines
C. Both a and b
D. Adjacent parallel lines

25.To set the line-width attribute the following command is used ?
A. setLineWidthScaleFactor (lw)
B. Setlinewidthscalefacto (lw)
C. Setlinewidth()
D. setLineWidthScaleFactor (lw)

26.The parameter to “setLineWidthScaleFactor (lw) “function specifies ?
A. Standard width
B. Thickness of the line
C. Relative width of the line
D. Standard width

27.We can adjust the shape of the line ends to give them a better appearance by using ?
A. Round cap
B. Line caps
C. More dots
D. Round cap

28.Thick line drawn with ?
A. Butt caps
B. Round caps
C. Projecting square caps
D. Butt caps

29.We set the line-color value in PHIGS with the function ?
A. setPolylineColorIndex (lc)
B. setline Color()
D. setPolylineColorIndex (lc)

30.If the angle between 2 connected line segments is very small then can generate a long spike that distorts the appearance of the poly-line ?
A. Miter join
B. Round join
C. Bevel join
D. Miter join

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