Operating Systems Concepts - Section 6 Multiple Questions and Answers.

41.In which way(s) a macro processor for assembly language can be implemented:
A. independent two-pass processor
B. independent one-pass processor
C. processor incorporated into pass 1 of a standard two-pass assembler
D. all of the above

42.Which of the following is a type of systems software used on microcomputers?
C. Unix
D. All of the above

43.The working set theory of programming behaviour of processes running within an operating system involves
A. the collection of pages that a process accesses
B. disk scheduling mechanisms
C. coalescing holes in memory
D. assigning the CPU to processes

44.Operating system is
A. A collection of hardware components
B. A collection of input-output devices
C. A collection of software routines
D. All of the above

45.A file organization component of a VSAM file is:
A. relative record data set
B. keyed sequential data set
C. entry sequential data set
D. all of the above


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