Plant Physiology - Section 2 Multiple Questions and Answers.
Exercise Questions ::
Plant Physiology
16. | Heterocious nature of rust means: |
| |
| A. | A fungus require one host species to complete life cycle |
| B. | A fungus require two different host species to complete life cycle |
| C. | Both (a) & (b) |
| D. | None of the above |
Published by:Rehana Akram
Published by:Rehana Akram
Published by:Rehana Akram
Published by:Rehana Akram
20. | In bacterial brown rot and wilt of potato the amount of _____ produced by pathogens are proportional to severity of symptoms: |
| |
| A. | Gibberellins |
| B. | Lipids |
| C. | Polysncchnride |
| D. | Proteins |
Published by:Rehana Akram