Automation System - Section 3 Multiple Questions and Answers.
Exercise Questions ::
Automation System
6. | What is proportional control? |
| |
| A. | It has a discrete output for each error value |
| B. | The controller output varies continuously over a range |
| C. | The gain is independent of offset error. |
| D. | All of the above |
Published by:Michael Daani
7. | The real brain of an artificial intelligence system is referred to as: |
| |
| A. | bubble memory |
| B. | the expert system |
| C. | recursive technology |
| D. | natural language interfaces |
Published by:Michael Daani
Published by:Michael Daani
Published by:Michael Daani
10. | The digitizing technology that uses an electric field radiated from the tablet and picked up by a cursor is: |
| |
| A. | electromagnetic |
| B. | raster |
| C. | sonic |
| D. | electrostic |
Published by:Michael Daani