Thermodynamics - Data Intensity 2 Multiple Questions and Answers.
Exercise Questions ::
1. | A process, in which the temperature of the working substance remains constant during its expansion or compression, is called |
| |
| A. | isothermal process |
| B. | hyperbolic process |
| C. | adiabatic process |
| D. | polytropic process |
Published by:Michael Daani
Published by:Michael Daani
3. | The total energy of a molecule is shared equally by the various degrees of freedom possessed by it. This law is known as |
| |
| A. | law of equipartition of energy |
| B. | law of conservation of energy |
| C. | law of degradation of energy |
| D. | none of these |
Published by:Michael Daani
Published by:Michael Daani
Published by:Michael Daani