System Analysis and Design - Section 6 Multiple Questions and Answers.
Exercise Questions ::
System Analysis and Design
6. | The procedure for evaluating the relative performance of different computers, is done by the process called |
| |
| A. | batch processing |
| B. | sequential processing |
| C. | bench marking |
| D. | All of the above |
Published by:Michael Daani
7. | The black box concept is based on the assumption(s) that; |
| |
| A. | the suprasystem is stable |
| B. | black boxes are dependent or environments |
| C. | the relationship between the inputs and output is stable |
| D. | All of the above |
Published by:Michael Daani
8. | Which of the following might be output as a result of using a CASE tool? |
| |
| A. | programming code |
| B. | flowcharts and data flow diagrams |
| C. | prototypes and cost / benefit analysis |
| D. | All of the above |
Published by:Michael Daani
9. | Which of the following is not an advantage of the structured approach to system development? |
| |
| A. | it focuses on the physical aspects of the system |
| B. | the system specification is very graphic |
| C. | the user area is studied thoroughly |
| D. | the documentation is Cumulative |
Published by:Michael Daani
10. | Benchmarking is used |
| |
| A. | to select computer systems |
| B. | to maintain files in up-to-data condition |
| C. | for application proto-typing |
| D. | for system acceptance |
Published by:Michael Daani