Microorganisms - Section 1 Multiple Questions and Answers.

26.The repressor protein, since the cell is resistant to lysis from externally infecting phage, is also called
A. immunity repressor
B. immunity operon
C. operon repressor
D. none of these

27. Which of the following virus is susceptible to chloroform?
A. Herpes
B. Influenza
C. Measles
D. All of these

28. Group E phages have
A. single stranded DNA
B. double stranded DNA
C. single stranded RNA
D. double stranded DNA

29. The temperate phage possesses a gene that codes for a repressor protein which makes the cell resistant to lysis initiated by
A. the prophage
B. lytic infection by other viruses
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. none of these

30.The bacterial viruses having head made up of large capsomeres, but no tail is morphologically classified as
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D


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