Flowering Plants Morphology-Data Intensity 1 Multiple Questions and Answers.

11.Which among the following is not correct about modifications of roots to facilitate respiration?
A. In some plants that grow in marshy areas, roots are modified to facilitate respiration
B. Pneumatophores are specialized breathing roots that help in respiration of plant that grows in marshy areas
C. Breathing roots are present in mango
D. Exchange of gases occur through lenticels in pneumatophores

12.Which among the following is incorrect about modification in roots for mechanical support?
A. Prop roots are those that originate from aerial branches
B. Prop roots are also called hanging roots
C. Stilt roots are present in beetle
D. Those roots that originate from stem base that grow obliquely and penetrate into the soil are called stilt roots

13.Which among the following statements is incorrect?
A. In trapa, roots help in performing photosynthesis
B. In few aquatic plants, roots are modified into spongy structure help in floating by maintaining buoyancy
C. In parasitic plants, haustorial roots penetrate into host to derive nutrition
D. Floating roots are present in cuscuta

14.Which among the following is incorrect about importance of root system?
A. Root system helps in absorption of water and minerals from soil
B. In plants like mangroves, breathing roots called pneumatophores are present
C. Pneumatophores grow vertically upwards and exchange gases through lenticels
D. Plants that grow tall derive their additional mechanical support by sending pillar like woody roots called stilt roots

15.Which among the following is incorrect about roots in banyan tree?
A. Banyan roots have adventitious roots called prop roots that provide them with additional support
B. Prop roots are also called as climbing roots
C. Prop roots on meeting the soil form secondary and tertiary roots
D. Initially these start as tiny outgrowth on the branches and become woody and large


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