Flowering Plants Morphology-Data Intensity 4 Multiple Questions and Answers.

6.Which among the following is incorrect about structure of the seed?
A. Testa and tegmen are the two layers of a seed coat
B. Testa and tegmen are closely attached that they can’t be separated unless soaked in water
C. Seed coat provides protection to the embryo
D. Testa is the thin inner layer and tegmen is the thick outer layer of a seed coat

7.A scar on seed coat through which seed is attached to the fruit is called?
A. Cotyledons
B. Seed coat
C. Hilum
D. Micropyle

8.Which among the following is not correct about embryo inside the seed?
A. An embryo contains cotyledons, radicle and plumule
B. Cotyledons store food and provide nourishment to the developing plumule and radicle
C. A plumule develops into roots
D. Cotyledons are also called as seed leaves

9.A single cotyledon is also termed as ?
A. Scutellum
B. Aleurone
C. Epicarp
D. Endocarp

10.Embryonic shoot is covered by a protective layer called ?
A. Coleoptile
B. Coleorrhiza
C. Scutellum
D. Aleurone


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