Operating Systems Concepts - Section 9 Multiple Questions and Answers.

31.A compiler for a high-level language that runs on one machine and produces code for a different machine is called is
A. optimizing compiler
B. one pass compiler
C. cross compiler
D. multipass compiler

32.A critical region is
A. a program segment that has not been proved bug-free
B. a program segment that often causes unexpected system crashes
C. a program segment where shared resources are accessed
D. one which is enclosed by a pair of P and V operations on semaphores

33.Assembler language
A. is usually the primary user interface
B. requires fixed-format commands
C. is a mnemonic form of machine language
D. is quite different from the SCL interpreter

34.The primary job of the operating system of a computer is to
A. command resources
B. manage resources
C. provide utilities
D. be user friendly

35.Which of the following is a measure to test how good or bad a modular design is
A. Module strength
B. Module coupling
C. Static analysis
D. All of the above


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