Operating Systems Concepts - Section 6 Multiple Questions and Answers.

36.With MS-DOS which command will divide the surface of the blank floppy disk into sectors and assign a unique address to each one?
A. FORMAT command
B. FAT command
C. VER command
D. CHKDSK command

A. is a method of memory allocation by which the program is subdivided into equal portions, or pages and core is subdivided into equal portions or blocks.
B. consists of those addresses that may be generated by a processor during execution of a computation.
C. is a method of allocating processor time.
D. allows multiple programs to reside in separate areas of core at the time.

38.A translator which reads an entire program written in a high level language and converts it into machine language code is:
A. assembler
B. translator
C. compiler
D. system software

39.The advantage(s) inherent to using high level languages is (are)
A. Fewer people, less management and shorter transition in learning time
B. Improved debugging capability, and superior documentation
C. A greater degree of machine independence
D. All of the above

40.Addressing modes
A. defines the fundamental method of determining effective operand addresses
B. are variations in the use of fundamental addressing structures, or some associated actions which are related to addressing.
C. performs indicated operations on two fast registers of the machine and leave the result in one of the registers.
D. all of the above


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