Operating Systems Concepts - Section 7 Multiple Questions and Answers.

21.Which of the following is true for machine language.
A. Repeated execution of program segments
B. Depicting flow of data in a system
C. A sequence of instructions which, when followed properly, solves a problem
D. the language which communicates with the computer using only the binary digits 1 and 0.

22.Which of the following is not applications software?
A. Word processing
B. Spreadsheet
D. Desktop publishing

23.Scissoring enables
A. a part of data to be displayed
B. entire data to be displayed
C. full data display on full area of screen
D. no data to be displayed

24.A relocate program form is one which
A. cannot be made to execute in any area of storage other than the one designated for it at the time of its coding or translation.
B. consists of a program and relevant information for its relocation.
C. can itself performs the relocation of its address-sensitive portions.
D. all of the above

25.If you want to execute more than one program at a time, the systems software you are using must be capable of:
A. word processing
B. virtual memory
C. compiling
D. multitasking


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