Operating Systems Concepts - Section 8 Multiple Questions and Answers.

41.Indicate which, of the following, in not true about an interpreter
A. Interpreter generates an object program from the source program
B. Interpreter is a kind of translator
C. Interpreter analyses each source statement every time it is to be executed
D. All of the above

42.Object modules generated by assemblers that contain unresolved external references are resolved for two or more object modules by a/an
A. operating system
B. loader
C. linker
D. compiler

43.The advantage of a command processor running only built-in commands is:
A. flexibility to the users in running lists of commands by simply collecting them in named batch command files
B. the command set being common across different hardware configurations
C. users can create system programs and run them as commands
D. the processing is much faster than would other-wise be the case when user defined commands are used

44.Under multiprograming, turnaround time for short jobs is usually _____ and that for long jobs is slightly _____.
A. lengthened; shortened
B. shortened; lengthened
C. shortened; shortened
D. lengthened; lengthened

45.The most common systems security method is
A. passwords
B. encryption
C. firewall
D. all of the above


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