Operating Systems Concepts - Section 9 Multiple Questions and Answers.

11.The instruction register
A. is a hardware memory device which denotes the location of the current instruction being executed.
B. is a group of electrical circuits (hardware), that performs the intent of instructions fetched from memory.
C. contains the address of the memory location that is to be read from or stored into.
D. contains a copy of the designated memory location specified by the MAR after a "read" or the new contents of the memory prior to a "write".

12.Which of the following scheduling objectives should be applied to the following: the system should admit jobs to create a mix that will keep most devices busy
A. to be fair
B. to balance resource utilization
C. to obey priorities
D. to be predictable

13.Multiprogramming systems:
A. are easier to develop than single programming system
B. execute each job faster
C. execute more jobs in the same time period
D. are used only on large mainframe computers

14.Backups should be done
A. daily for most installations
B. weekly for most installations
C. as several image copies, followed by an incremental
D. as several incrementals, followed by an image copy

15.In an absolute loading scheme, which loader function is accomplished by assembler.
A. Reallocation
B. Allocation
C. Linking
D. Loading


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