Electronic Principles - Section 5 Multiple Questions and Answers.

26.When operating below its resonant frequency, a parallel RLC circuit has the characteristics of a:
A. parallel RL circuit
B. parallel RC circuit
C. parallel RLC circuit operated above its resonant frequency
D. purely resistive circuit

27.What causes the depletion layer?
A. Doping
B. Recombination
C. Barrier potential
D. Ions

28.Which one of the following statements most accurately reflects the nature of ac power?
A. The current in an ac circuit flows in one direction, but changes value periodically
B. The current in an ac circuit flows in one direction at a steady level
C. The current in an ac circuit changes direction periodically
D. The current in an ac circuit flows in two directions at the same time

29.A step-up transformer has a turns ratio of 1:4. If the line voltage is 115 V rms, what is the peak secondary voltage?
A. 700 V
B. 707 V
C. 651 V
D. 208 V

30.Which one of the following principles best describes the basic operation of a generator?
A. Like magnetic poles repel; unlike poles attract
B. Current is induced in a conductor that is moving through a magnetic field
C. Like magnetic poles attract; unlike poles repel
D. Current flowing through a conductor generates a magnetic field


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