In eukaryotes, the RNA synthesis process is more complex than prokaryotes. The RNA synthesis process is regulated by chromatin structure, upstream and downstream sequences, binding partners, etc. Whic
Most actively transcribed genes are found in a loosely relaxed form of chromatin called euchromatin
The most inactive segment of DNA is found in compact chromatin structure called heterochromatin
Histone modification such as methylation, acetylation regulate the RNA transcription by modulating chromatin structure
In eukaryotes, three different RNA polymerases are involved in the synthesis of a different class of RNAs namely: rRNA, tRNA, and mRNA. The RNA polymerase that is required for the synthesis of mRNA is
Enhancers are special cis-acting DNA sequences that increase the rate of transcription by RNA polymerase. Which of the following is true regarding enhancers?
10 nucleotide upstream elements
25 nucleotide downstream elements
present closer or 1000s nucleotide upstream or downstream of TSS
The capping of nucleotide prevents the rapid cleavage of mRNA and catalyzed by guanylyltransferase. Identify the nucleotide cap that is attached at the 5'end of mRNA.