Fertilizer Technology-Data Intensity 3 Multiple Questions and Answers.

6.Electric furnace method for production of phosphorous uses phosphate rock and ?
A. Phosphoric acid
B. Coke
C. Sulphuric acid
D. Silica and coke

7.An increase in the NH3/CO2 ratio in urea manufacture results in?
A. Increased degree of conversion of CO2 to urea
B. Decreased degree of conversion of NH3 to urea
C. Decreased yield of urea
D. Decreased specific volume of molten mass

8.Maximum nitrogen percentage is in_____?
A. Ammonium sulphate
B. Calcium ammonium nitrate
C. Urea
D. Liquid ammonia

9.Fertiliser plants get their N2 requirements ?
A. By fractionation of liquefied air
B. By dissociating oxides of nitrogen
C. From coal gas (coke oven gas)
D. From producer gas

10.Which of the following is not a measure component necessarily to be present in fertilisers ?
A. Nitrogen
B. Potassium
C. Phosphorous
D. Sulphur


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