Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics - Data Intensity 3 Multiple Questions and Answers.
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Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics
Published by:Michael Daani
2. If 200m3 of fluid has a weight of 1060N measured on the planet having acceleration due to gravity 6.625m/s2, what will be it�s specific volume?
A. 0.8 B. 0.7 C. 0.9 D. 0.5
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Published by:Michael Daani
3. For an incompressible fluid does density vary with temperature and pressure?
A. It varies for all temperature and pressure range B. It remains constant C. It varies only for lower values of temperature and pressure D. It varies only for higher values of temperature and pressure
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Published by:Michael Daani
Published by:Michael Daani
5. If there is bucket full of oil and bucket full of water and you are asked to lift them, which one of the two will require more effort given that volume of buckets remains same?
A. Oil bucket B. Water bucket C. Equal effort will be required to lift both of them D. None of the mentioned
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Published by:Michael Daani