ENTRANCE TEST – 2015 Multiple Questions and Answers.
Exercise Questions ::
21. | Typical symptoms like enlarged breasts and small testis in male are attributed to: |
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| A. | Down’s Syndrome |
| B. | Turner’s Syndrome |
| C. | Klinefelter’s Syndrome |
| D. | Phenylketonuria |
22. | Fluid mosaic model of plasma membrane states that protein molecules float in a fluid _____ layer. |
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| A. | Galactose |
| B. | Phospholipids |
| C. | Glucose |
| D. | Carbohydrate |
25. | Which one of the following cell structure is involved in the synthesis of lipids? |
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| A. | Endoplasmic Reticulum |
| B. | Golgi Complex |
| C. | Centriole |
| D. | Mitochondria |