Engineering Mechanics - Data Intensity 2 Multiple Questions and Answers.
Exercise Questions ::
Engineering Mechanics
26. | The moment is the cross product of which of the following two vectors/scalars? |
| |
| A. | Force and Radius scalars |
| B. | Radius and Force scalars |
| C. | Force and Radius vectors |
| D. | Radius and Force vectors |
Published by:Michael Daani
27. | Which part of the truss section is made to employ the method of joints in the free body diagram? |
| |
| A. | Combination of joint and the whole structure |
| B. | The whole structure |
| C. | Truss |
| D. | Joints |
Published by:Michael Daani
28. | Which element of the truss section is made to apply the method of sections in the free body diagram? |
| |
| A. | The whole structure |
| B. | Any section can be used |
| C. | Joints |
| D. | Truss |
Published by:Michael Daani
Published by:Michael Daani
Published by:Michael Daani