Digital Computer Electronics - Section 6 Multiple Questions and Answers.
Exercise Questions ::
Digital Logic Design
21. | The dynamic race hazard problem occurs in |
| |
| A. | combinational circuits only |
| B. | sequential circuits only |
| C. | both combinational and sequential circuits |
| D. | none of the combinational and sequential circuits |
Published by:Michael Daani
22. | Resistor Ratio design is used in linear ICs because |
| |
| A. | Ratios increase input resistance |
| B. | Ratios increase amplifier gain |
| C. | Precise resistor values are not possible with IC processes |
| D. | All of the above |
Published by:Michael Daani
23. | What advantages do ICs have over discrete-device circuits due to their greater complexity (i.e. more circuitry in less area) |
| |
| A. | Smaller size |
| B. | Higher reliability |
| C. | Lower cost |
| D. | All of the above |
Published by:Michael Daani
Published by:Michael Daani
Published by:Michael Daani