Plant Pathology MCQs Questions And Answers.

1.The process of producing several indentical copies of a gene sequence referred to as?
A. Gene sequencing
B. Gene cloning
C. Gene splicing
D. Micro cloning

2.The concept of multi line varieties was developed by?
A. Falconer (1960)
B. Goulden (1939)
C. Jensen (1952)
D. Johannsen (1903)

3.A heterogeneous population include?
A. Composites
B. Multi lines
C. Synthetic
D. All the above

4.Mass pedigree method was developed by?
A. Harrington (1973)
B. Falconer (1960)
C. Vilomorin (1980)
D. Allard (91400

5.The most effective method for the transfer of oligogenic characters?
A. Bulk
B. Backcross
C. Disruptive
D. Pedigree