Irrigation Engineering Questions And Answers.

1.What is the other name of Flood Irrigation?
A. Flow Irrigation
B. Lift Irrigation
C. Surface Irrigation
D. Uncontrolled Irrigation

2.In which of the following types of irrigation water is supplied to the crops throughout their crop period?
A. Perennial Irrigation
B. Flood Irrigation
C. Direct Irrigation
D. Storage Irrigation

3.Which of the following type of irrigation system is practiced on small scale in India?
A. Natural sub-irrigation
B. Artificial sub-irrigation
C. Flood irrigation
D. Lift irrigation

4.What is the other name of perennial irrigation system?
A. Direct Irrigation
B. Storage Irrigation
C. Controlled Irrigation
D. Flood Irrigation

5.In India most irrigation schemes fall under which category of irrigation?
A. River Canal Irrigation
B. Tank Irrigation
C. Combined System
D. Lift Irrigation