PHYSICS Questions And Answers.

1.A ball is thrown vertically upward with a velocity of 98 m/s, how high does the ball rise? (g = 9.8 m/s)
A. 360 meters
B. 380 meters
C. 490 meters
D. 510 meters

2.which quantity can be described in terms of only two base quantities?
A. .Current
B. Charge
C. force
D. temperature

3.Which pair includes a scalar quantity and a vector quantity?
A. Kinetic energy and momentum
B. .Potential energy and work
C. Velocity and acceleration
D. Weight and force

4.a stone is whirled, the st0ne experience an inward f0rce by string which is?
A. centrifugal f0rce
B. proportional to square of speed
C. tangent
D. inverse of square of speed

5. 0ne v0lt can be defined as?
A. 1J w0rk d0ne in m0vng unit p0sitve charge fr0m 0ne p0int to an0ther
B. rati0 of energy dissipated at 0ne and other p0int
C. ati0 of p0wer dissipated at 0ne and other p0int
D. None of these