Chemistry Questions And Answers.

1.Industrial chemistry deals with the manufacturing of compounds:
A. in the laboratory
B. on micro scale
C. on commercial scale
D. on economic scale

2.Which one of the following can be separated by physical means?
A. Mixture
B. Element
C. Compound
D. radical

3.The most abundant element occurring in the oceans is:
A. Oxygen
B. Hydrogen
C. Nitrogen
D. silicon

4.The third abundant gas found in the atmosphere is:
A. carbon monoxide
B. oxygen
C. nitrogen
D. argon

5.One amu (atomic mass unit) is
A. 1.66 10"%*mg =
B. 1.66 �10748
C. --1.66 x 107!
D. -1.66.* 10-3